Woke up feeling a bit sore and stiff from my first class. Felt those long lost back muscles that I had forgotten about. Hamstrings tight. But I knew that hot hot room would help to to stretch everything out again. I got to class early just to get warm and let my body feel the heat. It was a pretty small class with an amazing teacher. Apparently she used to be a part of Bikram's teacher training team. Just hearsay….maybe, maybe not. But she's great! I felt pretty good in class but a bit frustrated with my knees….I tell them to lock and my thighs to contract but they are not following orders. So I stay in the beginning phase of 'standing head to knee' and a few others just waiting for my muscles to strengthen again…. its a lesson in humility and patience. I can only do as much as my body will allow at this point and I need to quiet my ego about I 'used to do'. The depth will come with time….I see it as a reward for hard work. I had a heavy mouth breather next to me which really helped me to focus and calm my breath. It was a tough hot class but I was able to calm my body and just breathe. At one point the instructor said this about breathing… "just tell your body it's okay….because it is okay". One great thing about coming back from a long break is that instead of being a beginner and the teacher just saying a lot of words that you can't possibly do and think about all at once….now I am able to dissect them and really feel what it is my body is supposed to be doing. I feel like even though I don't have the depth I am getting the "correctness" of a posture. blah blah blah…..2 down/28 to go. Good times!
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