Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 16 - Happy Birthday to me!!

So remember when I said that even though every class is exactly the same but different in the way your body and mind process it?  Well, I guess that was not entirely accurate.  I should also have mentioned that the energy in the room is different each class as well depending on the types of students participating. Last night was my bikram birthday class!! So excited right!?! Well I ended up in a class full of ….?  the correct word escapes me…don't want to be mean. Everyone was talking, walking about, laughing, giggling and the lady behind me just propped herself up on the wall and sat there for 90 minutes doing nothing!! The two times the instructor opened the door for some fresh air to give a bit of a reprieve from the heat she started to move in anticipation asking…"is it over?".  There were maybe 3 or 4 experienced practitioners and about 15 new people with no concept of how a bikram class was supposed to go.  The instructor tried to corral everyone at the beginning and explain the process of a 90 minute open eye moving meditation but the words just flew out the door because no one listened.  I think she just gave up and relied on us to lead by example which also did not work.  Pleased to report that I was still able to maintain my focus and practice and have a decent class despite all the walking about, talking, laughing and groaning.  Not to mention the people that think that blowing air in and out of their mouths forcefully is going to relax them and help them catch their breath….not a great class like the one before but I still felt like I had accomplished something at the end.  Happy Birthday to me!!  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 15 Halfway there!!

Bikram Police!! Feeling great and strong for class number 15.  Find a nice quiet spot in the studio and prepare myself for sweat.  Lights turn on and the room is packed.  A man I have never seen but looks quite yoga-esque has set himself up beside me.  Now I know we are supposed to stare at ourselves in the mirror but I do have a wandering eye sometimes….I couldn't help but notice the man next to me.  His postures were absolutely amazing!!  His energy was so great and I have never seen anyone do such a perfect bikram yoga class!! Every posture was picture perfect.  So inspiring! I had a wonderful class practicing next to this man.  I fed off of his energy and stayed strong with him.  Afterwards in the locker room I heard someone mention that we had visitors tonight in class….I guess there were three of them.  They were from Bikram headquarters!  No wonder he was such a great practioner….he has dedicated himself to Bikram yoga.  I have always heard rumours about the so called "bikram police" but thought…no, not possible.  But yet here they were practicing with me in our studio!  I hope they had as wonderful experience as I did….the energy in the room was great.  It's reassuring to know that there are people making sure that Bikram yoga stays Bikram.  I know there are places around that claim to be Bikram but are not.  They are just yoga in a hot room.  I have also heard about shortened Bikram classes lasting only 60 minutes.  I like rules.  I like that Bikram yoga is the same class every time but yet each class is different in the way my body and mind process it.  I am happy that there are people traveling around the world to maintain the integrity of Bikram yoga.  Half way done….

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 14 It's only yoga

I really want some carbs!!  I have been really watching my diet and reducing my carbs to cut that extra weight off more quickly.  Nothing drastic…I am familiar with the pitfalls of radical dieting.  But I really want some pizza!!  I am making sure to eat some slower digesting carbs an hour or two before class so I will have the stamina to finish the class without collapsing due to low blood sugar.  It's a delicate dance to find the right balance.  I was feeling a bit low energy in savasana before class thinking that this is not going to go so well this evening.   Power through….that's what I told myself.  Funny that during class the teacher said that this type of yoga usually attracts type A personalities…that's me!!  But in the same breath she reminded us that "it's only yoga".  Relax. Breathe. This was really helpful during the spine strengthening series as I have a tendency to contract my entire body.  She reminded us to relax the fronts of ourselves to allow our spines to strengthen and become strong and more flexible.  In floor bow I was really able to kick my feet up behind me when I let go of my "front" and relaxed into it.  Amazing!  To my surprise I had a really strong class.  My triangle is super strong….working on opening my hips and rotating my spine….my knees are locked for almost the entire postures in the standing series.  My lower back is rounding a bit and becoming more flexible.  I looked and felt really strong!  But I still really want a pizza!!!  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 13 She came back!!

I couldn't believe my eyes when I got to class last night and saw her sitting there waiting for class….I was shocked….No one ever comes back after leaving just 20 minutes into class.  So I popped on the bench next to her and starting asking about how she felt about her experience the previous night.  Of course she explained that she wasn't expecting it to be so hot and claustrophobic.  She said she just couldn't catch her breath.  I gave her a few tips on dealing with the heat in her first couple classes and said it doesn't matter how much you sit down…just stay in the room.  We walked into the studio together and she sat herself up right behind me.  She did leave the room once after standing separate leg head to knee pose….but the teacher went and got her during savasana and brought her back inside.  She tried to leave a couple of times but the teacher would not let her go. We did have a puker that ran out of the room.  I was glad to see the teacher let her run out!!  Occasionally on a sit up I would give my new yoga buddy a smile of encouragement….letting her know the pain is almost over!!  And she did it.  She finished the class.  Who knows if she'll come back again but she had to feel a sense of accomplishment after that….or else she just hates us all and thinks we're a bunch of crazy people!!  Either way I'm coming back for sure….17 more days to go.  

Days 9,10,11,12 - So it seems….

So it seems that actually doing the 30 day challenge is easier than writing about it.   I guess I've been slacking with the updates….but on a good note I have not been slacking on the yoga!  I have been going faithfully everyday and have completed 12 classes so far.  My injuries are getting better and I am back to 100% in class and loving the sweat.  It's worth mentioning that I am now so used to the sweat that I crave it and want to go to the hottest, sweatiest class.  It's also nice seeing some familiar faces in every class now….there are a few of us that seem to be on the same schedule and going regularly.  It's great to practice with regulars…there's a comradery there….even though we never speak…maybe just a smile or a hello.  It's like we are bonded by the sweat….day in and day out breathing and sweating together through the yoga. As hard as it feels sometimes it's nice to know there are others in class experiencing the same feelings and emotions that I am experiencing in class.  At least I think they are?  It seems like it.  Well, maybe they don't feel the comradery but I do!!  Last night in my 12th class there was a woman I had seen the night before.  She had come in enquiring about the practice and how hard she wants to work out and lose her extra weight…I could sense her sincerity and desperation to change.  It was a welcome surprise to see her in class last night.  I could tell she was ready for the yoga…I gave her an acknowledging smile and willed for her the determination to do it. …to stay through class and find the calm within the panic of her first bikram yoga class.   I remember my first class and how hard and unexpected it was.  It's after I see someone struggling just to breathe in their first class that I realise how far I have come.  I might not be the best practitioner but I can always find and calm my breath through whatever my body is experiencing in class.  I was quite saddened when she disappeared after standing head to knee pose. She left and never came back.  I understand how intimidating it can be when there are people bending and balancing in all sorts of different ways that my body can only hope to do one day.  But all she had to do was stay in the room…stay in the heat.   I hope she comes back….

Friday, January 10, 2014

8 Days Complete!!

I guess taking it easy yesterday was a good thing because I am feeling good today.  I didn't overwork myself like I thought maybe I might have done.  But still I tucked myself into the back corner of the room because I knew that I was still not 100%.  I had a great standing series…stronger and stronger every day…so close to locking my knees. I was able to do more in the floor series than yesterday but still not able to reach deep into some postures like I had been doing before. But I am still making progress and trying to not push too hard. I have my whole life to do yoga….no need to push too hard too soon.  Not too much to say about that class….just trying to keep going and do my best and learn something new each class. Also splurged online for some new yoga shorts and headband. Let's call it an early birthday present to myself!! They will probably arrive just as I complete my challenge which will give me even more incentive to continue to practice so I can use my cute new shorts!! Happy days. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 7 ….

Not feeling 100% when I come to class.  Chest a bit sore and tight.  Not even sure if I should be going to class…but I am doing a 30 day challenge….not "skip a day" challenge so I persevere.  I let the teacher know what's going on with me so she will leave me alone if I sit out of certain postures and modify others and I tuck myself into the back corner of the room. Class starts and then I realise…Damn!  Every posture incorporates your chest somehow!! Thought before that maybe I could just concentrate on my legs and arms but that's not the case. Am I an idiot? How did I not realise this before?!  Well…I'm here now….might as well try to sweat and get the most out of it!!  I actually managed to do most of the class with some slight modifications….sitting out a few postures but still managing to get a good sweat going. On a positive note I can feel myself getting stronger and tighter, able to contract deeper into each muscle.  I really paid attention to my body during this class…noticing everything I was feeling.  It was hard on my ego to tone my practice down a bit but it was great for body awareness.  Hopefully I didn't cause any more injury and the heat and moderate stretching was a help rather than a hindrance…..guess I'll find out soon enough!!!